Warm invitation to the nanoRoadshow: Next level quality control of surfaces
The nanoRoadshow: Next level QC of surfaces
On September 17th 2021, it will take place the nanoRoadshow from the Nanotechnology / Network NanoAnalytics cluster, from 11am. to 12pm.
The NanoRoadshow, shows specific product and application cases from industry and research, which are answered by the combination of optical measuring systems from Sensofar with atomic force microscopes from Nanosurf. Get solution impulses from our experts for your own surface questions from safety technology, medical technology, electronics, production control, nanometrology and coatings. We look forward to your participation.
The speakers will be our Sales Manager in Germany and Austria: Jakob Mallmann and Marcus Weth from Nanosurf.
Specially designed, functional surfaces are the basis for a large number of innovative products. The range of surface-mediated product properties is wide and ranges from abrasion resistance to corrosion protection, increased conductivity, antimicrobial activity and counterfeit protection.
Modern methods of surface analysis enable an investigation of the mechanical, electrical, physical and morphological surface properties down to the submicroscopic or even atomic range. Surface analysis thus supports product development, but is also essential in process control and quality assurance. Even the slightest contamination and defects in materials, workpieces and components can be detected.
3D optical profilometers based on confocal, interferometry, Ai focus variation, reflectometry and fringe projection techniques are suitable for measuring surface roughness and identifying defects. Speed and a good view of larger sample areas are advantages of this optical measurement technology. Higher lateral resolutions down to the single-digit nanometer range and detailed information on mechanical and electrical properties can be achieved with atomic force microscopy. Each of the two techniques has its specific advantages and compensates for the limitations of the other method. The innovative combination of the two measurement methods enables a whole new range of questions to be answered.
“To learn more about the topic: Next level quality control of surfaces. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you over a virtual coffee drink from 12-12: 30 p.m. after the event.”