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Sensofar Medical a new company of Sensofar Group

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Sensofar Medical was established in 2012 as a new company of the Sensofar Group. The company’s mission is to implement state-of-the-art metrology techniques for the inspection of implantable medical devices and components, as well as to provide leading-edge solutions for medtech R&D worldwide.

Sensofar Medical’s first product is the Q six system for assisted stent inspection, which has been designed as a comprehensive solution to the task of stent quality assurance. 2D high-resolution imaging permits inspection of both inner and outer surfaces as well as side walls of the stent structure. 3D optical modes then provide further detail regarding surface roughness, surface topography and coating thickness. Q six’s algorithms and various functions in assisted mode provide for easy but accurate analysis by ‘unrolling’ image sections, by providing measurement of critical dimensions, by assessing edge features and by enabling automatic defect detection and classification.

Taken together, all of these features are designed to make the task of stent quality assurance much easier and quicker, thus facilitating swift quality control, but with no sacrifice in QC performance.Q six is fully compliant with 21CFR Part 11 requirements.

Q six’s target markets are in-line inspection, process development and industrial medtech R&D.
