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Surface texture profile

Surface texture profile

This plugin is used to analyze amplitude parameters of a centered profile on the surface, in accordance with ISO 4287: Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – profile standard. The surface has to be processed following ISO 16610: Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Filtration, to obtain the profile roughness parameters (Rx) and separate them from the waviness parameters (Wx).

Surface texture profile

Surface texture profile

This plugin is used to analyze amplitude parameters of a centered profile on the surface, in accordance with ISO 4287: Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – profile standard. The surface has to be processed following ISO 16610: Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Filtration, to obtain the profile roughness parameters (Rx) and separate them from the waviness parameters (Wx).

Surface Texture Profile
Surface Texture Profile
Parameters Comments
Rp Maximum peak height
Rv Maximum valley depth
Rz Maximum height
Rt Total height of roughness profile
Rc Mean height of profile elements
Ra Arithmetic mean deviation
Rq Root-mean-square deviation
Rsk Skewness
Rku Kurtosis
Step Height pluginAspheric