Surface texture
This plugin is used to analyze surface texture (a.k.a. roughness) in accordance with the corresponding parameters defined by the ISO 25178: Geometric Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: areal standard.

Surface texture
This plugin is used to analyze surface texture (a.k.a. roughness) in accordance with the corresponding parameters defined by the ISO 25178: Geometric Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: areal standard.

Parameters | Comments |
Sa | Arithmetical mean height |
Sq | Root-mean-square height |
Sz | Maximum height |
Sp | Maximum peak height |
Sv | Maximum pit depth |
Ssk | Skewness |
Sku | Kurtosis |
Sal | Autocorrelation length |
Str | Texture-aspect ratio |
Sdq | Root-mean-square gradient |
Sdr | Developed interfacial area ratio |
Smr | Areal material ratio |
Smc | Inverse areal material ratio |
Sxp | Extreme peak height |
Sk | Roughness depth of the core |
Spk | Reduced summit height |
Svk | Roughness depth of the valley |
Smr1 | Upper bearing area |
Smr2 | Lower bearing area |
Vv | Void volume |
Vvv | Pit void volume |
Vvc | Core void volume |
Vmp | Peak material volume |
Vmv | Core material volume |
Smean | Height arithmetic average |
Smax | Maximum height |
Smin | Minimum height |