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Surface texture parameters provide valuable insights into the characteristics of a surface, helping to evaluate and control surface quality.


A long list of parameters

ISO 25178 introduces a standardized nomenclature for surface texture parameters, differentiating them from traditional profile parameters. While profile parameters are prefixed with R (Roughness), W (Waviness), or P (Primary) based on filtering, areal parameters use S (Surface) and V (Volume) prefixes regardless of filtering. This transition to 3D analysis offers a more comprehensive understanding of surface features and behavior.

ISO 25178 introduces a standardized nomenclature for surface texture parameters, differentiating them from traditional profile parameters. While profile parameters are prefixed with R (Roughness), W (Waviness), or P (Primary) based on filtering, areal parameters use S (Surface) and V (Volume) prefixes regardless of filtering. This transition to 3D analysis offers a more comprehensive understanding of surface features and behavior.

Areal Surface Texture Parameters
Areal Surface Texture Parameters

Surface texture parameters can be classified into two groups depending on the dataset used to calculate them: field and feature parameters. While field parameters use all the height datasets, feature parameters only consider specific surface motifs.

Surface texture parameters can be classified into two groups depending on the dataset used to calculate them: field and feature parameters. While field parameters use all the height datasets, feature parameters only consider specific surface motifs.

Areal Surface Texture Parameters

Field parameters

Field parameters are derived from every point on the scale-limited surface. They can be classified according to the information they provide about the surface. The main subgroups are height, spatial, hybrid, functional , and related parameters, and fractal parameters.

Parameter Example units Description
Sa μm Density of peaks
Sq μm Density of pits
Ssk unitless Arithmetic mean peak curvature
Height Sku unitless Arithmetic mean pit curvature
Sp μm Five-point peak height
Sv μm Five-point pit depth
Sz μm Ten-point height
Sal μm Mean hill local height
Spatial Str unitless Max. hill local height
Std  º Std. dev. of hill local height
Ssw μm Mean dale local depth
Hybrid Sdq radians Max. dale local depth
Sdr % Std. dev. of dale local depth
Smr(c) % Mean hill area
Smc(p) μm Max. hill area
Sdc μm Std. dev. of hill area
Areal for stratified surfaces
Sk μm Mean dale area
Spk μm Max. dale area
Spkx μm Std. dev. of dale area
Svk μm Mean hill volume
Svkx μm Max. hill volume
Smrk1 % Std. dev. of hill volume
Functional and related Smrk2 % Mean dale volume
Sak1 μm3/mm2 Max. dale volume
Sak2 μm3/mm2 Std. dev. of dale volume
Areal material probability
Svq μm Hill count
Spq μm Dale count
Smq % Mean hill roundness
Vvv mm3/mm2 Max. hill roundness
Vvc mm3/mm2 Std. dev. of hill roundness
Vmp mm3/mm2 Mean dale roundness
Vmc mm3/mm2 Max. dale roundness
Svsfc unitless Std. dev. of dale roundness
Fractal Sasfc unitless Mean hill form factor
Slsfc unitless Max. hill form factor
Ssrc unitless Std. dev. of hill form factor

Feature parameters

Feature parameters provide detailed information about the individual characteristics of the surface. The motif’s size, shape, or area are some of the quantitative values that feature parameters offer.

Parameter Example units Description
Main feature parameters Spd  1/mm2 Density of peaks
Svd  1/mm2 Density of pits
Spc  1/mm Arithmetic mean peak curvature
Svc  1/mm Arithmetic mean pit curvature
S5p μm Five-point peak height
S5v μm Five-point pit depth
S10z μm Ten-point height
Other feature parameters Shh μm Mean hill local height
Shhx μm Max. hill local height
Shhq μm Std. dev. of hill local height
Sdd μm Mean dale local depth
Sddx μm Max. dale local depth
Sddq μm Std. dev. of dale local depth
Sha mm2 Mean hill area
Shax mm2 Max. hill area
Shaq mm2 Std. dev. of hill area
Sda mm2 Mean dale area
Sdax mm2 Max. dale area
Sdaq mm2 Std. dev. of dale area
Shv mm2 Mean hill volume
Shvx mm3 Max. hill volume
Shvq mm3 Std. dev. of hill volume
Sdv mm3 Mean dale volume
Sdvx mm3 Max. dale volume
Sdvq mm3 Std. dev. of dale volume
Shn mm3 Hill count
Sdn unitless Dale count
Shape parameters Shrn unitless Mean hill roundness
Shrnx unitless Max. hill roundness
Shrnq unitless Std. dev. of hill roundness
Sdrn unitless Mean dale roundness
Sdrnx unitless Max. dale roundness
vSdrnq unitless Std. dev. of dale roundness
Shff unitless Mean hill form factor
Shffx unitless Max. hill form factor
Shffq unitless Std. dev. of hill form factor
Sdff unitless Mean dale form factor
Sdffx unitless Max. dale form factor
Sdffq unitless Std. dev. of dale form factor
Shed unitless Mean hill equivalent diameter
Shedx μm Max. hill equivalent diameter
Shedq μm Std. dev. of hill equivalent diameter
Sded μm Mean dale equivalent diameter
Sdedx μm Max. dale equivalent diameter
Sdedq μm Std. dev. of dale equivalent diameter
Shar μm Mean hill aspect ratio
Sharx unitless Max. hill aspect ratio
Sharq unitless Std. dev. of hill aspect ratio
Sdar unitless Mean dale aspect ratio
Sdarx unitless Max. dale aspect ratio
Sdarq unitless Std. dev. of dale aspect ratio


Which surface texture parameter should I use?

Choosing the correct surface texture parameter is crucial but can be challenging. Sa, for example, is widely used for its simplicity but may fail to capture the complexity of surfaces. Statistical analysis often identifies the most relevant parameters, particularly with large sample sets.

Surface Texture parameter selection


Which surface texture parameter should I use?

Choosing the correct surface texture parameter is crucial but can be challenging. Sa, for example, is widely used for its simplicity but may fail to capture the complexity of surfaces. Statistical analysis often identifies the most relevant parameters, particularly with large sample sets.

Surface Texture parameter selection


Optimizing surface parameter selection

Modern tools like Sensofar’s SensoPRO simplify parameter selection. By analyzing groups of samples, SensoPRO identifies key surface parameters, provides actionable insights, and sets tolerances, streamlining quality control and decision-making.

Learn more about SensoPRO

Modern tools like Sensofar’s SensoPRO simplify parameter selection. By analyzing groups of samples, SensoPRO identifies key surface parameters, provides actionable insights, and sets tolerances, streamlining quality control and decision-making.

Learn more about SensoPRO

Optimizing surface parameter selection