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The Precision Manufacturing market includes micro-manufacturing, additive manufacturing, and injection molding industries, among others. The 4-in-1 technologies embedded in Sensofar’s 3D optical profilers provide the most versatile and complete solution in this market.

  GD&T measurements of drilling, milling and cutting tools.
  Reverse engineering through CAD comparisons.
  Cutting edge radius measurements of inserts and other cutting tools.
Surface roughness measurements on any material.
Volume measurements of porous materials.
  High resolution measurement of sink marks and joint lines.
  Shape and roughness measurements of molds.
Automatic detection and analyses of holes, traces, trenches, step heights and bumps among others.

The Precision Manufacturing market includes micro-manufacturing, additive manufacturing, and injection molding industries, among others. The 4-in-1 technologies embedded in Sensofar’s 3D optical profilers provide the most versatile and complete solution in this market.

  GD&T measurements of drilling, milling and cutting tools.
  Reverse engineering through CAD comparisons.
  Cutting edge radius measurements of inserts and other cutting tools.
Surface roughness measurements on any material.
Volume measurements of porous materials.
  High resolution measurement of sink marks and joint lines.
  Shape and roughness measurements of molds.
Automatic detection and analyses of holes, traces, trenches, step heights and bumps among others.


Advanced manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing EDM
Advanced manufacturing LASER
Advanced manufacturing Application_Micromanufacturing
Advanced manufacturing MILLING
Advanced manufacturing MOLDING

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How 3D Non-contact surface measurement can improve your Additive Manufacturing process

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