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Integrated software solutions

This advanced metrology tool is fully controlled by the easy-to-use SensoSCAN, which offers enhanced features for measurement automation.

This advanced metrology tool is fully controlled by the easy-to-use SensoSCAN, which offers enhanced features for measurement automation.



Rapid Quality Control


SensoPRO has an extensive suite of plugins, addressing common automation analysis needs and custom applications.

SensoPRO screen S lynx 2
SensoPRO plugins S lynx 2
SensoPRO Rapid QA/QC

Tailored solutions for consumer electronics

SensoPRO software provides analysis automation in QC and QA, efficiently handling large volumes of data. We have provided a range of custom plugins to meet specific requirements in the consumer electronics sector.

SensoPRO software provides analysis automation in QC and QA, efficiently handling large volumes of data. We have provided a range of custom plugins to meet specific requirements in the consumer electronics sector.



Powerful Analysis Software


SensoVIEW is the ideal analysis software for a wide range of tasks. It features a complete toolkit for preparing and extracting data from both 2D and 3D datasets.

SensoVIEW S lynx

Surface characterization

SensoVIEW provides dedicated operators with a user-friendly, step-by-step interface for extracting flatness and surface texture parameters, following the corresponding ISO standards, volume calculations, and more.

SensoVIEW provides dedicated operators with a user-friendly, step-by-step interface for extracting flatness and surface texture parameters, following the corresponding ISO standards, volume calculations, and more.

SensoVIEW caracterization

Dimensional measurements

A variety of tools for critical dimensions are available for contour and profile views. Each one is equipped with an auto-adjustment feature and the capability to incorporate tolerances, ensuring a thorough dimensional analysis.

A variety of tools for critical dimensions are available for contour and profile views. Each one is equipped with an auto-adjustment feature and the capability to incorporate tolerances, ensuring a thorough dimensional analysis.


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