The optics application is known to be a challenging one: samples are very smooth, flat, and sometimes transparent. Only high-end profilometers can image them and meet the tight requirements this field demands. Our experience is in lenses and optical filters for roughness, arrays of micro lenses, and film thickness.
Array of microlenses
Camera lenses
Volume calculations of the area of interest can be performed in our software SensoVIEW.
SensoVIEW analysis software has very high sensitivity to different dimensions of holes
(this sample has d=2 mm).
SensoVIEW analysis software has very high sensitivity to different dimensions of holes
(this sample has d=2 mm).
Polygonal lenses
Hexagonal microlenses are a typical geometry used in lens microarrays and they stand out for their high density. Confocal technology is the best technology to measure the high slopes in this polished sample.