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Launch of the new PLu apex optics surface profiler at Control

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The PLu apex is an optics surface profiling system based on the development of a non-contact metrology tool to measure the profiles of aspheric and freeform optics and surfaces. The system is accompanied by dedicated software, SensoTRACK.

The PLu apex system complements the Sensofar optical profiler product line. It represents an opportunity to provide solutions for markets related to optics manufacturing market, such as Blu-Ray and DVD optics, smartphone and PDA camera optics, digital camera and projector lenses, fiber coupling and photolithography lenses.

The system will be launched to the market at the Control show in Stuttgart (May 4-7, 2011) were we expect to perform demonstrations for all our partners as well as for potential customers.

Sensofar expects to see a good response from the market. There are already a number of optics metrology solutions already available from different suppliers, but none of them fully meet up with customer requirements. Current technologies are contact-based (destructive) and expensive, while the PLu apex will be the first non-contact profiler on the market, at a competitive price and without any sacrifice in performance.

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