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Veranstaltung geschlossen

Innovation in Optical Metrology

Veranstaltung geschlossen

Sensofar is hosting an exclusive workshop in collaboration with EURECAT. We’ve created a space to dive into the most advanced technologies in optical metrology and surface analysis. Industry experts will showcase real success stories, innovative integrations, and practical solutions to enhance manufacturing processes and surface quality control.

Key topics

   Latest advancements in optical technologies for surface measurement.

  Surface analysis of post-processed additive manufacturing.

  Networking and showroom space to see Sensofar’s optical metrology equipment in action.

  Practical industry use cases: We will see examples of integrating optical solutions in laser machines and advanced techniques for mold and precision part design.

Join us!

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27th November

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9:30h to

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Pl. de la Ciència, 2

Register here

This workshop is currently taking place and is no longer accepting registrations.


9:30h. Welcome and presentation
Montse Vilaseca Director of Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit (EURECAT)
9:40h. Tecnologías de vanguardia para metrología óptica
David Páez Senior Product Specialist (SENSOFAR)
10:30h. Análisis mediante Perfilometría Óptica de superficies Post-Procesadas de Metales Fabricados por Tecnología Aditiva
Adrián Travieso Researcher, Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit (EURECAT)
11:00h. Coffee + Showroom
11:30h. Textura superficial: de la teoría a la práctica
David Páez Senior Product Specialist (SENSOFAR)
Case studies
12:00h. S-mart 2: Ejemplo de integración en máquina láser de alta precisión
Gonzalo Guadaño Chief Officer (LASING)
12:30h. Microestructurado y texturizado de alta precisión para moldes y piezas
13:00h. Perfilometría óptica 3D para estudios tribológicos
Dr. Mar Combarros Project development manager (IQL – The Nisshin OilliO Group)
13:30h. Visit to EURECAT Facilities
14:00h. Lunch + Showroom
15:00h. Closing

Who should attend?

This workshop is intended for professionals and technicians in:


   Quality Control

   Surface Characterization

   Additive Manufacturing


Products on the workshop

S lynx 2 portfolio (NEW)

The S lynx 2 is a compact and versatile 3D optical system for roughness, volume, and critical dimensions measurements.

S wide 3D optical systems for Industry and research

The S wide is designed to measure large areas in one shot, suited for speed and shape measurement applications.

Request a demo

Our team of experts is available to guide you in learning how to use our systems. If you’re interested in seeing a demonstration of any of our products, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity now.
