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The Sempre Group has been appointed by Sensofar Metrology as the distribution partner for UK

Metrology, Neuigkeiten
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On the back of the successful partnership that started last year with different organisations in the UK, with demonstration systems in both the University of Nottingham and the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, Sensofar Metrology, is taking another step forward in the UK and Ireland by partnering with one of the most knowledgeable metrology companies in the country, with 20 years experience of providing metrology solutions to the UK and Ireland.

Founded in 2000, (and formerly trading as Metrology Direct Ltd.) The Sempre Group Ltd. provides measurement and inspection services to manufacturing industries in the UK and Ireland. They pride themselves on their Excellent Customer Service thus creating long term partnerships and their Customer Focus, being able to access all equipment from one source.

sempre logo

Driven through its 5 divisions:

   Industrial Metrology
   Metrology Software
   Measuring Instruments
   Engineering Services
   Lean Enterprise

Their claim is to be a Strategic Partner in Quality, Automation, Innovation & Efficiency

With this agreement Sensofar and The Sempre Group will be working closely together to provide UK and Ireland industry and academia, with the best solutions in surface metrology.
