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Sensofar season’s greetings 2023

Gruppe, Neuigkeiten

Cheer through our Christmas Holiday Greetings Video!

This year, we have prepared a bizarre ride through a special tradition from Catalonia (Terrassa, Spain), where our headquarters are placed.
You will see how the Christmas vibes are as unique as our 3D metrology solutions in our Caga Tió Showdown.

Ever seen a log poop out presents? Meet the Tió, the star of Catalan Christmas!

Check out our crazy attempt to outdo this traditional Christmas character:

As the year wraps up,
we want to shout out a big ‚thank you‘
for rocking with us in 2023.

We are truly grateful for the collaborative
spirit that defines our relationship.

This year, we faced challenges head-on
and came out stronger,
thanks to the awesome collaborations
with partners like you.

Looking forward,
we’re pumped for what 2024 has in store.
More challenges, more victories,
and definitely more good times.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Wishing you all the very best for this Holiday Season
Happy 2024 to all of you!
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