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Micropack and Sensofar reached an agreement to distribute in Spain and Portugal

Metrology, Neuigkeiten
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During 2008 Sensofar reached an agreement with Mikropack GmbH for sales & distribution in Spain and Portugal of Mikropack’s solutions for thin film applications. These systems utilize spectroscopic reflectometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry.

Mikropack GmbH is a leader and recognized specialist in systems and components for fiber optics, spectroscopy and thin film metrology.

Additionally, since the middle of 2009, Sensofar now integrates Mikropack’s solutions into the lastest optical profiler launched into the market: the Plu neox. The new optical profiler optionally incorporates a spectroscopic reflectometer through an optical fiber, permitting the measurement of thin films with thicknesses from 10 nm and stacks comprising up to 10 individual layers. The optical fiber is imaged through either of the microscope’s objectives, enabling thin films to be measured with spots as small as 5 µm. The measurement is undertaken with the integrated LED light source, thus providing real-time bright-field images of the samples and simultaneous thin film measurements.

The partnership with Mikropack GmbH is a huge opportunity to provide technology solutions for new applications fields.