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Profiler technologies

Light sources









mm (inch)

S neox Grand Format dimendions

Objective lenses

MAG 5X 10X 20X 50X 100X 150X
NA 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.80 0.90 0.90
WD (mm) 23.5 17.5 4.5 1.0 1.0 1.5
FOV1 (µm) 3378 x 2826 1689 x 1413 845 x 707 338 x 283 169 x 141 113 x 94
Spatial sampling2 (µm) 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.07 0.05
Optical resolution3 (µm) 0.94 0.47 0.31 0.18 0.16 0.16

Confocal / Ai Focus Variation

System noise4 (nm) 100 30 8 4 3 2
Maximum slope5 (º) 9 17 27 53 64 64
MAG 5X 10X 20X 50X 100X 150X
System noise4 (nm) 100 30 8 4 3 2
Maximum slope5 (º) 9 17 27 53 64 64

1 Maximum field of view with 3/2” camera and 0.5X optics.   2 Pixel size on the surface.   3 L&S: Line and Space. Values for blue LED.   4 System noise measured as the difference between two consecutive measures on a calibration mirror placed perpendicular to the optical axis.   5 On smooth surfaces, up to 71º. On scattering surfaces, up to 86º.

Gantry XY stage

Positioning system Two axes Gantry: XY translation of the head
Travel range (mm) 600 x 600
Travel speed Max. 1m/s
Control type Linear close loop


This system has been carefully designed to meet several industry standards, like the SEMI S2 and S8, and has also been certified by TÜV Rheinland.

Compliance list GF

The S neox Cleanroom sensorhead has been carefully engineered to be compatible with ISO Class 1 and ESD compatible.

S neox Cleanroom ISO IPA

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