Sensofar’s Vice President participates in the new ISO 25178
Dr. Artigas is deeply involved in one of the working groups for the drawing up of the new ISO 25178: Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) – surface texture:Areal. ISO 25178 will be the first international standard taking into account the specification and measurement of 3D surface metrology methods. Significantly, it will incorporate non-contact measurement methods already commonly used by industry, but that have up until now been lacking a standard to support quality audits within the framework of ISO 9000.
The standard has seven chapters, that have been contributed and elaborated upon by a wide range of well reknown scientific institutions such as NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), NPL (National Physical Laboratory) and PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt).
The ISO 25178 includes basic definitions about the 3D measurement and main parameters that can be calculated up to a classification of the different existing technologies. Chapter 6 focuses on the classification of methods and technologies accepted for measuring surfaces and in which Dr. Artigas specifically describes the Imaging Confocal Microscopy (ICM) method.