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Great place to work, great place to live

Gruppe, Neuigkeiten
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Within the values that are part of the Sensofar spirit (in both Medical and Metrology divisions), we find the „Good place to work“ statement, where we promote among ourselves and others, teamwork and cooperation.

We wanted to go a step further so that we could also reduce the impact as a company, which we have on the environment, and thus turn it into a „good and-respectful-with-the-environment place to work.“ 

In the last year our environmental impact on disposable plastics
(only for water and coffees!)
has been shocking 

Shocking numbers

These numbers invited us to reflect, and brought us to action!

Responsible and sustainable measures :

  To use a coffee beans machines replacing coffee capsules
  Installing water fountains through the building instead of buying water plastic bottles
  Replacement of plastic spoons with bamboo sticks 
  Use of 100% compostable cups for our visitors

  Specific waste separation bins for recycling

Energy efficient measures throughout the building

And as a launch measure for this „awareness campaign“, Sensofar has provided to all each employees with personalized mugs and glass bottles, to avoid single-use materials in our day-to-day life. 

Small Efforts Great Achievements

Many of these measures have been taken directly from our own employee motivation, that’s why at Sensofar a process to relieve the environmental impact has been initiated and integrates the entire staff.

We are ready to listen to your suggestions to continue improving the ecological footprint at Sensofar!

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