Finite element analysis regarding the propagation of transient vibrations from handheld equipment
Swerea IVFis a research institute that offers advanced research and consulting services to put new technology and new methods into practice with a focus on product, process and production development. Swerea IVF also offers in-depth expertise in relation to materials’ properties and applications for ceramic, polymer and textile materials. Swerea IVF is part of the Swerea group, a Swedish research group for industrial renewal and sustainable development. They produce, develop, and disseminate research results in the areas of materials development, production development and product development.
With this data, we were able to make a simplified model of the skin for successful use in FEA
The sample measured is a replica of the skin on a fingertip. In this case, the difficulty of holding one’s finger still during the measurement necessitates using the indirect method of measuring on replicas. The objective was to obtain information for simulation of microgeometry of skin to be able to create a simplified virtual model.
The model was going to be used in finite element analysis (FEA) regarding the propagation of transient vibrations from handheld equipment, such as impact wrenches and chisel machines, through the skin to the nerves where damage occurs.
These vibrations can cause a medical condition called “white fingers” which is a common work-related health problem. Before this government-sponsored project, the microgeometry of skin had not yet been characterized for this specific purpose.

Using the confocal technique, the 20X brightfield objective lens, and extended measurements, we were able to measure the skin geometry with a high resolution and sufficient reliability to draw general conclusions regarding the size, height, and distribution of the ridges and lines of the skin. With this data, we were able to make a simplified model of the skin for successful use in FEA.
For more information, check the Attenuation of hand-held machine vibrations. Application of non-linear tuned vibration absorber.