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Optical metrology

Round Robin test on bio-imaging transfer standard for 3D optical profilers

Optical metrology
研发工程经理,光学工程博士,光子学硕士 at Sensofar Metrology |  Other articles

Carlos 自 2010 年起开始在 Sensofar 参与开发共聚焦、干涉测量和多焦面叠加技术,自 2018 年起担任研发工程经理一职。他的研究领域是光机系统设计和图像处理。
他在光学工程方面的综合研究工作帮助 Sensofar 研发团队在创新和最高技术水平方面始终保持领先地位。

Round Robin test on bio-imaging transfer standard for 3D optical profilers, full article
A. Nolvi,1,2 T. Viitala,1 A. García Pérez,1 N. Sandler,3 E. Hæggström,1 C. Bermudez,4 R. Artigas,4 I. Kassamakov1
1Univ. of Helsinki (Finland)
2Åbo Akademi (Finland)
3Åbo Akademi Univ. (Finland)
4Sensofar Tech SL, (Spain)

Proceedings Volume 10110, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV; 101100M (2017)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States


A stair case height Bio-Transfer-Standard (BTS), developed and produced at the University of Helsinki (UH), was measured in two laboratories. The Round Robin test on bio-imaging, aims to determine whether BTS works with different optical profilers in different laboratories. First the artefact was measured at UH using a custom-built Scanning White Light Interferometer. Then BTS was measured at Sensofar-Tech, S.L. using an S neox type interferometer working either in Phase Shifting Interferometry mode or in Imaging Confocal Microscopy mode. To remove the influence of system calibration, a method featuring sample shifting and measurement subtraction was used. The BTS features eight lipid bilayer steps that each are 4.6 ± 0.1 nm tall on average.

All 30 measurements done by four different operators at the two laboratories agree to within 0.1 nm which agrees with theoretical estimates and with measurements done using a surface plasmon resonance technique. The Round Robin results show the applicability of the newly developed bio-imaging transfer standard for calibrating 3D optical profilers.

surface texture and coating thickness