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Metrological characterization of different methods for recovering the optically sectioned image by means of structured light

Optical metrology, 未分类
研发技术员,物理学学士,光子学硕士 at Sensofar Metrology | Other articles

Pol 在修习学士学位期间的一次实习中加入了 Sensofar。自那时起,他便一直在研发部门工作,负责测试 Sensofar 系统的测量性能、开发新的光学技术算法以及改进现有算法。目前,他正在与 Sensofar 有合作关系的加泰罗尼亚理工大学 (UPC) 攻读工业博士学位,研究用于表面测量的超快光学传感器。他的主要研究方向为光学设计和光学测量。


Imaging confocal microscopy (ICM) and focus variation (FV) are two of the most used technologies for 3D surface metrology. Both methods rely on the depth of focus of the microscope objective, which depends on its numerical aperture and wavelength of the light source to compute an optical section. In this paper we study how several methods of structured illumination microscopy affect the metrological characteristics of an areal optical profiler. We study the effect of the projection of different structured patterns, the sectioning algorithms, and the use of high and low frequency components onto the optically sectioned image. We characterized their performance in terms of system noise, instrument transfer function and metrological characteristics such as roughness parameters and step height values.

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