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Medical Implants

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Ensuring the highest quality standards is crucial in medical implants, where precise assessment tools are essential for predicting outcomes. Sensofar’s optical systems provide reliable characterization of surface texture, volume, and critical dimensions of medical implants, delivering tailored solutions to meet the specific demands of various applications.

Prosthetics for feet

Prosthetics for feet_SensoVIEW screen

The design of wedge implants mimics the bone’s natural porosity to accomplish rapid osseointegration. Total porosity is a key metric for assessing implant performance. We provide the volume calculations using the Volume operator in SensoVIEW, which is then divided by the mass to obtain the total porosity.

Prosthetics for feet

The S wide fringe projection system is instrumental in accurately imaging the whole implant in a single shot.

Prosthetics for feet

Durability of hip implants

Durability of hip implants

The wear behavior of hip implants is closely linked to their surface condition. Measuring the roughness of the top area of acetabular cups provides insights into their wear characteristics and, thus, their durability.

Confocal technology is employed to image the local slopes and dense features present on the surface. The ease of use of SensoVIEW allows for the extraction of different functional parameters that correlate machining parameters with wear behavior.

Durability of hip implants_parameters

Confocal technology is employed to image the local slopes and dense features present on the surface. The ease of use of SensoVIEW allows for the extraction of different functional parameters that correlate machining parameters with wear behavior.

Threads on dental implants

Threads on dental implants

The typical threaded surfaces in dental implants are critical for stability and long-term success. These threads enhance primary contact, improve stability, increase the implant’s surface area, and aid in stress distribution within the bone.

Using the S neox Five Axis and Active Illumination Focus Variation technique, we can capture an implant’s complete 3D shape.

Threads on dental implants
Threads on dental implants graph
SensoMAP logo

Critical dimensions on the threads are analyzed with SensoMAP software, which allows contour extraction from the point cloud data.


Non-contact 3D surface metrology

S neox 3D optical systems for Industry and research
S wide 3D optical systems for Industry and research

Integrable metrology

Integrable Head S neox
Integratable Head S mart
Integratable Head S onix

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